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-First stage: The egg

In this first stage, the development of the embryo is produced after the zygote fertilization and formation process. At this stage, the drosophilic females begin to deposit their eggs after the second day of their birth and during their period of life they may have been between 400 and 500 eggs, the egg has an ovoid shape, covered by a membrane formed by chitin, this one has a size of 0.5 mm.













- Second stage: the larva
The larva leaves the egg after a day of formation, has a whitish, elongate aspect; similar to a worm very quickly and with this activity can be allowed to form channels and cords. The larva consists of two mutes, the first the next day after breaking the egg and the second mute at 48 hours. In each mutation the cuticle and the buccal structures of the insect are removed and are reconstructed again, the growth of the internal organs is gradual and independent of the mutages.
In the larva there are twelve segments, three thoracic, eight abs and one cephalic. The circulatory organ is a muscular dorsal vessel.

The larva is comprised of three stages. The first larval stage extends between the eclosion of the egg and the first mute, the second larval stage extends between the time period between the first dumb and the second dumb, finally, the third larval stage includes from of the second mute until the paralysis of the larva to give rise to the doll, where it has a size of 4,5 mm.
After 96 hours of the eclosión of the egg the pupa is formed.










- Third stage: the pupa​

As we have said before in the third larval stage, the pre-pupa is paralyzed, very inactive, loses length and gains volume and the form of the pup is formed, the cuticle becomes dark and after three and a half hours it is completely pigmented receiving the name of pupari. Four hours after the insect separated the epidermis and became an acetic organ.
In the last stages of the formation of the pupa we can differentiate the wings, the eyes and the legs.














- Fourth stage: imago
At this stage, adult structures are defined as part of the larval organs such as salivary glands, intestines and muscles are destroyed, once these processes have finished, the adult emerges breaking the covert formation of the doll.
Once the wings are out, they open and receive the characteristic shape of a dipteric animal, they have a clear color but as it gets used to the new medium it is gaining pigmentation until it reaches the appearance of the adult fly. After 10 hours of leaving the doll's deck the female is ready to breed.



























Life cycle

The life cycle of Drosophila consists of four stages, which are: egg, larva, pupa and adult, each of these stages make drosophila a holometrical organism.

The holometrical organism is the one that performs a complete metamorphosis and develops in the four previous stages.

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