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Case B

Case B replica "wrong"

This reply did not take into account the results since the count produced flies with red, white and sepia eyes; which only studied the inheritance of the character of the white eyes of a female with the cross of a male with red eyes, does not interfere in any way with sepia eyes. A sepia male was mistakenly placed in the flask.

















In this reply, the cross between white-eyed female and red-eyed male had the expected results but before closing the mirror appeared mushrooms, also in replica 2 that were made at a time.

Luckily the fungi appeared when the replica was already very advanced and could end up with a reasonable number of reckoned individuals.














Case B replica 1
Case B replica 2 

In this replica, mushrooms appeared in the middle of experimental testing, as mushrooms were in the middle of the crop could the larvae and then there were no images and had to close it early, another started Replica to ensure the reliability of the data of Case B.

Case B replica 3 

This replica was made by seeing the appearance of fungi in Replica 2 and it was possible not to end the case. The recruited individuals have concurred with the expected results.

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